Prescott Acupuncture
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Prescott, Arizona
Mary O'Neill, L.A.C. 928-713-0071
Facial Rejuvenation
A study in The Journal of Clinical Acupuncture states that, with Cosmetic Acupuncture, 90% of clients have marked improvement in their faces and experienced an overall rejuvenation that is not confined to the face. This is a good reason to call Cosmetic Acupuncture procedures “Anti-Aging Treatments” because they affect overall health in a positive way. Clients will look and feel younger. In some ways, they will actually be younger because the energetic systems will be working better. Outward beauty and youthful appearance will be the result of inner fitness.
Acupuncture facelift treatments promote the circulation of Qi and Blood in the face. Increased blood circulation to the face moistens the skin and promotes collagen production for increased muscle tone and elasticity. From a Western medicine perspective, it is thought that the needling brings more collagen and elastin to the face.
Anti-aging Cosmetic Acupuncture is painless, less expensive, healthier, and safer than the modern treatments. It’s virtually risk free and there are none of the side effects of face lift surgery, lasers, and injections like numbness, scarring, possible atrophy, and lengthy recovery time. Clients’ faces will never look stretched, burned, puffy, or “banded” and their natural character remain.
The Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture:
- Skin becomes more delicate and fair
- Reduction of wrinkles
- Erasing of fine lines and reduction of deeper lines
- Reduction of sagginess
- Lifting of droopy eyelids
- Clearing or reduction of age spots
- An overall rejuvenation of face, body and mind
In an effort to make this technique more affordable, I have modified my technique to half-hour sessions in which I use an electro-micro stimulator machine to tone and lift the muscles of the face and erase the fine lines and wrinkles. For the deeper wrinkles and lines of the face, I thread very fine needles into the wrinkle to promote elastin and collagen production.
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Contact Prescott Acupuncture for more information or to make an appointment.